We are a young team with huge experience. IT-SYSTEM has its origins in 2001, for several years we participate in the creation of the Internet, of what it is and how it looks.
We help our clients to achieve their goals.We have extensive experience in programming mobile applications for Android, iOS and Windows Mobile. We are here to fulfill every challenges you give us.
Nutricia Poland joined the noble ranks of our clients. Our common goal is to develop a new Internet company’s image.
We have started work on a new, internet image of IBS POLAND. The big advantage over other companies provided us iCRM authoring system, which will support sales and marketing department in IBS.
We have developed a system and graphic design New Year’s cards for the Radio Kolor. The system allows users to send Christmas wishes to friends and colleagues via Internet service.
We have completed work on the driving tests educational system for Fahrshule.de in Germany. Users can also use the system via mobile phones (WAP).